Women’s History Month and an Upcoming Workshop

March is here, well it has been here for a while, but we are lucky to be so busy at the studio with March MATness as well as introducing new clients to their latest obsession, Pilates. March also means spring, longer days, and Women’s History Month. This month we honor, Clara Pilates, who without this woman, Pilates would not be what it is today. Don’t miss our next Stretch and Release Workshop scheduled for April 28th.

So what is March MATness?

It is a social media campaign that pays tribute to the traditional mat exercises from Joseph Pilates’ book Return to Life through Contrology. His original practice included 34 movements focusing on technique and control over repetition; incorporating correct alignment, breathing, movement, and concentration. 

pilates classes in toms river, new jersey
pilates classes in toms river, new jersey

Ten years ago, Pilates teacher, Benjamin Degenhardt, would post one of the Pilates Mat exercises in their original order and begin a conversation about the form, logic, and intent behind each exercise. So each year during March the Pilates community pays tribute to the traditional Mat exercises as documented by Joseph Pilates focusing on one exercise each day. 

Once again at Pilates by the Bay we are joining the movement to pay homage to the exercises that started it all. Not only will I be posting videos each day of the exercises, but in class we will be pulling out some of these moves and even translating them on the equipment, there are even a few pop-up classes on Sundays devoted to this.

Help us to educate others about Pilates and its benefits by commenting on and sharing our posts. Thank you in advanced for being filmed and demonstrating Contrology, which is what Joe originally called Pilates.

pilates classes in toms river, new jersey

March 19 & 26 at 9:30am

Celebrate March MATness with these equipment classes where we will translate Joseph Pilates’ classical mat exercises on the various equipment. Classes are posted.

pilates classes in toms river, new jersey

Some classes are often at capacity so don’t wait to sign up now. Please put yourself on the waitlist or reach out to Michele if you can’t get into a class. We will do what we can to get you in. Sometimes we may even add a class or extra spots when we can. More classes will be added as needed.

Thank You Clara, The Woman Behind Pilates!

For Woman’s History Month we are honoring the mother of Pilates, Joe’s wife and business partner; Clara Pilates. Clara and Joe met on a ship when they both immigrated to the US in 1926. On that ship Joe told Clara about Contrology, as a nurse she could understand the benefits and never left his side after they arrived.

When he opened his original studio in NYC Clara began teaching as well, even teaching Joe. She devoted her life to her husband’s work. Clara was known to be much more personable than Joe, so she often did much of the teaching while Joe monitored. Joe may have created the exercises and equipment but Clara vocalized and clarified how to adapt for each client. In this photo she is teaching Eve Gentry, she is in fact the Eve that Eve’s Lunge is named after.

pilates classes in toms river, new jersey

After Joe’s passing in 1967 Clara kept the NYC studio running. When she retired, she passed on the studio to one of their original clients and proteges, Romana Kryzanowska; known as one of the Pilates elders who learned from Joe and Clara. Clara continued to assist at the studio as long as she could until her passing. Without Clara’s love of Joe and his teachings, Pilates would not be were it is today.

Savvi Products We Love

Thank goodness for Savvi, not only for making it easy for me to get dressed no matter where I go or what this weather may bring; but now for introducing the wellness line and more accessories.

I continue to drink Shine daily and it has replaced my coffee almost completely while keeping me able to the millions of things I need to do each day. Shine is an emotional energy blend containing Bovine Collagen, Ashwagandha Extract, L-Theanine, Bacopa Monniera, Extract, Green Tea Leaf Extract, Gamma-amino Butyric Acid, Green Coffee Bean Extract, Yerba Mate Leaf Extract.

You can now order them yourself but I’m still looking for some taste testers to give me reviews. Let me know if you’re interested in a trial and I will give you a sample to take home.

pilates classes in toms river, new jersey
pilates classes in toms river, new jersey

Reserve Your Spot At Our Next Pilates and Reiki Workshop!

Stretch and Release To Restore and Balance Your Mind, Body and Spirit – Friday, April 28 | 6:30pm-8pm

Join us for an evening of full body wellness. Start with a 30 minute gentle Pilates mat session with Michele. Using bands, we will stretch your body and spine and release your muscles. End with an hour of meditation using Crystal Pyramid Sound Healing and Reiki with Terri Vassallo from Serenity Renewal Reiki.

This combination raises the vibration of each cell in your body, balancing the hemispheres in the brain and connecting the energies. Leave feeling released, renewed, peaceful and grounded.

Cost: $35

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